Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friday 10/10/08

Daily Stuff-weather, pledge, calendar, count to 10 in Spanish, Spanish colors
Phonics- practice sight words from September-names, stop, go, and add hot and fire
Craft- cut out and color fire station figures to play with
Play/Spanish- We will take our fire people and play with them in the fire station, but mine is Maria and she only speaks spanish. I will be trying to reinforce and help the kids to learn the colors of the rainbow in Spanish.
Math- sequence fire hose that will be attatched to truck
Creative play-finish big fire truck and play with it. Practice using words stop and go with signs while they are in truck. Kind of like Simon Says.
Music--sing fire songs that go with truck from book
Fire Safety Rules- teach the rules of fire safety
stop, drop, roll
crawl low in smoke
feel for hot door
don't play with fire
get out, stay out
Movement- obstacle course inside to go under the smoke and practice feeling a hot door and practice other rules
Snack and Stories- Curious George goes to the fire station. We are emphasizing the healthy foods a fire fighter must eat in order to be strong
Values: Bravery and team work and obedience to rules

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