Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tuesday 12/2/08

Theme: Fasten Up
Snack Helper: Isaiah
Weather: Kaylie
Teacher’s Asst. Fiel
Show & Tell: None today

9:00-9:25 Circle Time
“Welcome” Song
We will be practicing the Christmas caroling songs all throughout preschool this month.
Pledge of Allegiance
Calendar – sing “Days of the Week” song
Daily Basics
· Introduce Letter J – sign language
· Introduce month – Diciembre
· Introduce “Star” – Estrella
· Introduce “White” – blanco
· Count to 10 in Spanish
Rules – Take time to explain each picture and have the children repeat back to you. (if needed)

9:25-9:35 Movers & Shakers
Buckle My Shoe
Ask each child to give you one of his shoes. While the children close their eyes, hide the shoes all around the room. When you say, “One, tow, buckle my shoe!” the children search for their shoes. When they find their shoes, have them practice putting them on. Encourage them to cooperate and help each other.

9:35-9:45 Mini Lesson
Ways to Fasten
We’re going to focus on fasteners this week. Use topic card to discuss different fasteners. Provide a sample of each type of clothing fastener such as a zipper, buttons, snaps, ties, Velcro. Invite children to stand in front of the group and ask the remaining children to point out fasteners that the child is wearing. Encourage the children to discuss their latest successes in dressing themselves. Read the book of the month – challenge them to find and point out the clothing fasteners on each page.

9:45-10:00 Language
Have the children make alphabet stars – encourage them to write the letter (review the sound) – these will be used to decorate our tree next week.

10:00-10:15 Wash Hands/Snack & Story Time
Dried Fruit & water – dried fruits are a holiday treat in many countries. We will have a sample for the children to taste.

Read stories about getting dressed – point out different types of fasteners.

10:15-10:25 Math
Encourage children to count to 30. Practice counting by 10’s.

10:25 - 10:40 Play
Laundry Day
Fill a tub with warm, soapy water and have the children wash doll clothing. Have them rinse them and hang them up with clothespins.

10:40 – 10:50 Science
Dressing Skills
Teach basic dressing skills by providing dressing boards with pants, shirt, and lace.

10:50-11:00 Music Time
We will be practicing the Christmas caroling songs this month.

11:00 – 11:20 Art
Lacing Sneaker
We will use watercolors to make a lacing sneaker. The children can then practice lacing and tying the shoe they made.

11:20 – 11:30 Secret Santa
Introduce the sign for “gift” and have them draw names.

Homework Assignment
-Each child has picked a name for the “Secret Santa” exchange. Please keep the gift to $10 or less. We will exchange the gifts on 12/18/08.
- Letter J & Enrich. Act. #1 worksheets

Show & Tell: Fiel (please have Fiel bring her favorite Christmas book to share)

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