Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thursday 12/11/08

Theme: Gingerbread Days
Snack Helper: Kaylie
Weather: Fiel
Teacher’s Asst. Andrew
Show & Tell: Isaiah

9:00-9:25 Circle Time
“Welcome” Song
We will be practicing the Christmas caroling songs all throughout preschool this month.
Pledge of Allegiance
Calendar – sing “Days of the Week” song
Daily Basics
· Review J, K, Star, white in sign language & Spanish
· Review “gift” & “cookie” in sign language
· Count to 10 in Spanish
Rules – Take time to explain each picture and have the children repeat back to you. (if needed)

9:25-9:35 Movers & Shakers
Jingle bags
Place several jingle bells in a thin sock and tie the end closed. Invite the children to toss the “jingle bags” onto a large holiday cutout or outline made from masking tape on the floor.

9:35-9:40 Mini Lesson
Reindeer Topic Card
What is a reindeer? Ask the children to tell you what they notice about the reindeer in the picture. Where do they live? What do they eat? Explain to the children that reindeer live in northern and cold climates and that they eat grasses & lichens. Reindeer are similar in size to a deer but have learned how to live in very cold, snowy parts of the world.

9:40 – 9:50 Make Baked Bananas
-recipe calls for bananas, butter, brown sugar & cinnamon

9:50-10:05 Language
Holiday words
With the HOP letter cards, help children spell simple holiday words like “tree, bell, gift, star, santa, bake, etc.”

10:05-10:15 Math
Pattern & Sequence
Using cupcake liners of different varieties, make a pattern and have the children try to copy the pattern. They may also create their own pattern.

10:15 - 10:40 Play
Holiday Bake Shop
Create a holiday bake shop. Use baking utensils, cookie sheets, cookie cutters, playdough (with glitter & oatmeal) and have them do some imaginary baking. Have them wash all of the utensils afterward.

10:40 – 10:55 Wash Hands/Snack & Story Time
Eat the baked bananas

Read Kaylie’s fave Christmas book

10:40 – 10:50 Science
Play with Corn starch, water, & food coloring – so fun!

10:50-11:00 Music Time
We will be practicing the Christmas caroling songs this month.

11:00 – 11:30 Art
Sponge Art (using paints & sponges in the shape of Christmas objects)
- make reindeer food if time allows

Homework Assignment
- K, Enrich. #2 worksheets
- Cookie necklace (doesn’t need to be returned

Show & Tell: Andrew

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