Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thursday 12/4/08

Theme: Fasten Up
Snack Helper: Andrew
Weather: Isaiah
Teacher’s Asst. Kaylie
Show & Tell: Fiel

9:00-9:25 Circle Time
“Welcome” Song
We will be practicing the Christmas caroling songs all throughout preschool this month.
Pledge of Allegiance
Calendar – sing “Days of the Week” song
Daily Basics
· Review J, Star, white in sign language & Spanish
· Review “gift” in sign language
· Count to 10 in Spanish
Rules – Take time to explain each picture and have the children repeat back to you. (if needed)

9:25-9:35 Movers & Shakers
Drop the Clothespin
Drop clothespins into a can, taking one step back each time you make it until you miss. Practice counting.

9:35-9:45 Mini Lesson
Primary Children’s
Show a short video from Primary Children’s about a child that is sick and has to stay in the hospital. Talk about how we are going to make Christmas cards for the children who are staying at the hospital over Christmas.

9:45-10:00 Language
Santa’s helpers
Provide a pillowcase for the children to use as “Santa’s Helpers.” Each helper finds one item in the room to place in Santa’s bag. Helpers return to the circle with their selected items. Each helper describes their item and then, places it in the bag. After all the items are in the bag, invite the children to recall what is in Santa’s bag. Remove the items as they are named. Items that are not mentioned can be described by you. Ask the children to guess the item you are describing.

10:00-10:15 Wash Hands/Snack & Story Time
Food Fasteners:
Cream cheese, crackers & dried fruit.

Read Fiel’s favorite Christmas story & another story about getting dressed.

10:15-10:25 Math
Winter Clothes Memory Game

10:25 - 10:40 Play
Santa’s Toy Bag
Lay a large blanket on the floor. Have several children sit in the center of the blanket. Gather up the edges of the blanket and say, “Ho, Ho, Ho!” Open the blanket. Each child inside the blanket become a toy. Have them act out a favorite toy that they might be.

10:40 – 10:50 Fine Motor
Fruit Loop Necklaces
Practice fine motor skills by making “Fruit Loop” garland for the Christmas tree we’ll be decorating next week.

10:50-11:00 Music Time
We will be practicing the Christmas caroling songs this month.

11:00 – 11:30 Art
Santa’s Coat

Homework Assignment
- Letter to Santa (doesn’t need to be returned)
- Enrichment Act. #3

Show & Tell: Kaylie (please have Kaylie bring her favorite Christmas book to share)

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