Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday 9/30/08

Theme: Apples Everywhere
Weather: Isaiah
Helper: Andrew
Snacks: Kaylie

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“Apples Falling” Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Isaiah
Daily Basics
Review A, B,C, 1, 2, 3, RED (Spanish & sign language)
Review sign for “safe” & “apple”

9:20-9:25 Movers & Shakers
Shapely Movements
Make a large circle of masking tape shapes on the floor, one per child in your group. Play music and have the children dance in a circle, stepping on the shapes. When

9:25-9:35 Mini Lesson
Talk about how apples grow.
Do they grow on vines, underground, or on a plant? Explain that apples grow on apple trees. Say tree in Spanish, arbol. There are many different kinds of apples and each kind has a unique taste. Some are sweet while others are tart. Apples can be a variety of colors such as red, green, and yellow.

Apple Sequencing
Search images of apple seeds, apple blossoms, apple trees, and apples. Print a copy of each. Cut them out and adhere each one to a heavier piece of paper. Go over the stages of an apple: seed, tree, blossom, and fruit. Mix the cards up and challenge the children to sequence the growth of an apple individually or as a group.

9:35-9:45 Language
A is for Apple
Apple begins with A! Place several tablespoons of applesauce in small plastic zippered bags, let out the air, and seal the upper edge of each with a strip of tape. Make one for each child. Ask the children to squish the applesauce. How does it feel? Have them trace big and small A’s in the applesauce with their fingers. Encourage them to try other letters, also. Once finished, cut a corner off the bag, squeeze into a bowl, and serve with a spoon.

9:45-9:55 Math
September Math Game
Give each child a game piece and have her place it in the “Start” area. Decide who rolls first. The child will roll the cube and move his dino to the next corresponding color. Continue these steps with the other children. Continue until each child reaches the mother dinosaur at the end of the game board.

9:55-10:10 Wash Hands/Snack
Applesauce or Granola Bars with water or milk.

10:10-10:25 Play Time
Hide the Seed
Have the children wear their “Johnny Appleseed Hats” from the art activity last time. Sit in a circle and have one child turn their back or leave the room. Give a child remaining in the circle a brown pom (or similar item) to represent an apple seed. All the children in the group hold their hands as if they are hiding the pom. The first child returns and tries to guess who is holding the pom. As he guesses, he taps the hands of the child he thinks has the seed. If that child has the seed they stand and stretch tall as if they are growing into an apple tree. Take turns being Johnny Appleseed.

10:25-10:35 Story Time

10:35-10:45 Music
Tracks 22-25
Choose An Apple (use instruments)
Goin’ On A Bear Hunt (action song)
Can You Leap Like A Frog? (action song)
Autumn Day (use scarves)

10:45-10:55 Science
Scooping Apples
Fill a sensory table or other container with water. Ask the children if they think the apples will float. Record the children’s predictions and then try it and see. Do the apples float in the water? Test several different kinds of apples. Compare how different sizes/kinds of apples, or other fruit, float or sink.

10:55-11:15 Art
Bushel Basket
Cut apart the apple patterns and offer one pattern to each child. Offer crayons and scissors. Invite the children to color the apples. Have them cut out the apples and set them aside.

Give each child one Styrofoam cup and one brown bag. Have the children tear the brown bag into small pieces. Provide glue and invite the children to glue the paper pieces around the Styrofoam cup as desired. Punch two holes on opposite sides of the cup. Thread the pipe cleaners through the holes and twist to secure. Have the children place the apples into their basket.

11:15-11:30 Closing
Review the children’s favorite apple treats. Tell them they will have a new teacher next time they meet and that they will have a new theme and a new teacher!

Thursday 9/25/08

Theme: Apples Everywhere
Weather: Andrew
Helper: Kaylie
Snacks: Isaiah

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“Raking Leaves” Rhyme
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Kaylie
Daily Basics
• Review A, B,C, 1, 2, 3, RED (Spanish & sign language)
• Review sign for “safe” & “apple”

9:20-9:25 Movers & Shakers
Clap out the syllables in the children’s names. For example, say “Hel-lo-And-rew” as you clap each syllable. Learning that words are made up of a group of syllables strengthens a child’s phonological awareness, which is one of the building blocks for future success in learning to read.

9:25-9:35 Mini Lesson
Johnny Appleseed
Tomorrow is Johnny Appleseed’s birthday! (Show a picture of Johnny) Johnny Chapman, better known as Johnny Applseed, is a legendary figure known for his love of apple trees. According to the story, he walked barefoot through the Midwest, wearing a cooking pot on his head and carrying a bag of apple seeds. Everywhere he went, he either planted apple seeds, or gave them away.

9:35-9:45 Language
Hooked on Phonics pp.10-13 in Yellow Workbook

9:45-9:55 Science
Apples & Lemons
Ask the children, “Why do apples turn brown when they are sliced?” Slice an apple into several chunks. Dip one piece in lemon juice and leave another piece alone. Place them side by side for about 30 minutes.

Compare the slices. How are they different? Ask them to name the colors that they see. Would they eat the brown apple? Slice a few small pieces from each and let them taste the pieces. Explain that air turns apples brown once they are sliced. Even if they are brown tinted, they are still fine to eat. Lemon juice protects the apple’s flesh from the air.

9:55-10:15 Wash Hands/Snack
Apple Tree Treats

10:15-10:30 Play Time
Play with Apple Cinnamon Dough outside.

10:30-10:40 Story Time

10:40-10:50 Music
Tracks 17-21
Choose An Apple (use instruments)
Rain Is Falling All Around (action song)
The Freeze Dance (action song)
Bop Til You Drop (action song)
Medley: It’s Rainng/Itsy Bitsy Spider (use scarves)

10:50-11:10 Art
Johnny Appleseed Hat
Cut each gray paper lengthwise into four pieces. Give each child 2 strips (the equivalent of ½ a sheet). Staple the two strips together to create a headband to fit each child.

Give each child one tan paper strip and three apple stickers. Children may wish to trim the paper strip to resemble a pot handle or leave it as is. Glue it around and extending out from the headband to look like a pot handle. Place the apple stickers along the gray headband.

11:10-11:30 Closing
Review your discussion about the legend Johnny Appleseed. Tak about your activities next week. Play games if there is time.

Enrichment Activity #4

Show & Tell: Isaiah

Tuesday 9/23/08

Theme: Apples Everywhere
Weather: Kaylie
Helper: Isaiah
Snacks: Andrew

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“Ten Little Apples” Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Andrew
Daily Basics
Review A, Bc, 1, 2, 3, RED (Spanish & sign language)
Review sign for “safe” & “apple”

9:20-9:30 Movers & Shakers
Ten Apples Up On Top
If possible, read the Dr. Seuss book called “Ten Apples Up on Top” to the children. Then, invite them to try balancing a beanbag (apple) on the top of their heads. Ask the children to try walking with the beanbags on their heads. Ask the children if balancing the beanbag is more difficult while standing still or while walking? Challenge them to try balancing beanbags on their elbows, shoulders, and backs!

9:30-9:35 Mini Lesson
First Day of Fall
Yesterday was the first day of Fall! Introduce the words “fall” and “autumn.” Ask the children, “What sorts of things happen in the fall?” Talk about how nature prepares for winter. Leaves change colors and fall from trees. Animals prepare winter nests and stash away food. Some birds fly to warmer areas. Plants shed seeds for next spring or sleep through the winter. Introduce the Spanish word for autumn, ontono.

Display four pictures, three that relate to fall and one that relates to another season of the year. Ask the children which ones belong together and why. Ask which season each one portrays.

9:35-9:45 Language
Play a memory game with the ABC pictures the children colored and cut out for homework. Challenge the children to name each of the pictures. Sort them according to beginning sounds. Extend the activity by having the children sort the pictures according to type (food, animal, other). What other ways can the children sort the pictures (eyes/no eyes, edible/not edible, etc.)?

9:45-9:55 Math
Number 3 worksheet

9:55-10:05 Wash Hands/Cooking
Mini Apple Pies

10:05-10:15 Story Time

10:15-10:30 Snack Time
Eat mini apple pies

10:30-10:45 Play Time
Fall Nature Walk
Remind the children that exercise is one way to help our bodies stay healthy and strong. Take the children on a fall nature walk to look for things that can be added to their “apple art.” Suggestions include crunchy leaves, prickly pinecones, or pieces of tree bark. As you explore your neighborhood, ask the children to try walking at different paces – fast/slow, very fast/very slow. Try skipping, hopping, tiptoeing, etc. Ask the children to think of more movement ideas. How do the leaves sound? How do shoes sound on the sidewalk with each different walking style?

10:45-10:55 Music
Tracks 11-16
Choose An Apple (use instruments)
Hinges (action song)
Farm (use scarves)
Smiles (finger play)
Two Little Blackbirds (finger play)
It’s Autumntime

10:55-11:15 Art
Apple Art

The night before, cut several apples in half either lengthwise or crosswise, depending on the design you want. Let the apples dry overnight.

Give each child a sheet of construction paper. Provide several different colors of paint in shallow containers. Show the children how to dip the cut side of the apple in paint and make a print on the paper. Allow the children to make as many prints as they like. If colors happen to blend or bleed together, visit with them about the new colors created. You can also use the items collected on your nature walk.

11:15-11:30 Closing

Enrichment Activity #3

Show & Tell: Kaylie

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thursday 9/18/08

Theme: Apples Everywhere
Weather: Isaiah
Helper: Andrew
Snacks: Kaylie

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“I’m A Little Apple” Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Isaiah
Daily Basics
Review A, B, 1, 2, 3, RED (Spanish & sign language)
Review sign for “safe”
Introduce: Letter C

9:20-9:25 Movers & Shakers
Be Apple Trees
Invite the children to try these apple-related movements. Pretend to:
o Let your branches (arms) sway back and forth in the wind.
o Be an apple and fall from a tree (jump high and quickly crouch down low on the ground)
o Pick apples from the tree and from the ground. Toss them in the back of the truck.
o Climb up to the top of an apple tree.
o Move like a worm wiggling through an apple.
o Grow from a tiny seed in the ground to a giant apple tree. (Crouch down and then slowly stretch to the sky)

9:25-9:35 Mini Lesson
Parts of An Apple
Share a little apple vocabulary with the children. List as many apple parts as you and the children can think of – stem, core, peel, seeds, blossom. Bring out the Parts of an Apple Topic Card. Are the children able to name all of the apple parts that are listed on the topic card? Show them a real apple and point to the parts they have named. Cut the apple open and point out how the seeds are held inside the “meat” of the apple. What is the purpose of each part? Which parts do we eat? What other apple-related words can children think of (tree, leaf, etc.)?

9:35-9:45 Language
Letter C worksheet

9:45-10:05 Math
Apple Tree
Bring out the “Apple Tree” Learning Center Material
Play a counting math game. Offer dice or 1-10 number cards. Invite the children to roll the dice or choose a card and place that many apples on the tree. They may also find the apple that matches the number rolled and place it on the tree.
Organize a counting center using the apple coutouts and raisin “seeds.” You may want to place each apple on a piece of paper to allow for more counting space. Place a small bowl of raisins next to the apples. Ask the children to look at the number on each apple and place that many raisins on it. Provide time for each child to work on this by himself.

10:05-10:20 Wash Hands/Cooking/Snack Time
Apple Tasting Party
Peel and slice several different types of apples for a tasting party! Does each type taste different? Is one sweeter or more sour than the others? Are some crisper or softer than others? Which is their favorite? Set out a variety of dips to try: caramel, melted chocolate chips, cinnamon sugar, peanut butter, marshmallow cream, or butterscotch.

10:20-10:35 Play Time
Go outside for chalk drawing.
see Sugar Water for Brighter Chalk Drawings

10:35-10:45 Story Time

10:45-10:55 Music
Tracks 5-10
Choose An Apple (use instruments)
Beanie Bag Dance (action song with bean bags)
We’re Going To Be Friends (use scarves)
First You Take A Seed (finger play)
London Bridge Is Falling Down (action song)
1,2 Buckle My Shoe

10:55-11:20 Art
Apple Tree Collage
Divide the blue paper, green tissue paper, clothespins, and poms among the children. Make a tree trunk pattern by tracing each child’s hand and wrist onto the blue paper. Offer scissors and glue. Invite the children to cut or tear the green tissue paper into smaller pieces and adhere them to the tree as leaves.

Offer red paint in shallow containers. Show the children how to pinch the pom into the clothespin and then dip it into the paint. Invite them to press the pom onto the paper to form little apples in their tree. Set aside to dry.

Give each child a piece of white paper. Take the paper and brown crayons (with paper removed) outside to a tree with bumpy bark. Show the children how to make bark rubbings of the tree trunk by holding their paper up to the trunk and rubbing a brown crayon across it.

Tear or cut the paper into smaller pieces. Glue it to a tree as bark. Let dry and display.

11:20-11:30 Closing
Review the discussion about apples. Do all apples look/taste the same? Which flavor was the most popular during your apple tasting party? Which was the least? Share your plans for the next time we meet. Give h/w assignment. Play “Slap Jack” if there is time.

ABC Pictures
Color the pictures and cut them along the dotted lines. We will be using these cards in a Language activity next time we meet. Thanks!

Show & Tell: Andrew

Friday, September 12, 2008

Tuesday 9/16/08

Theme: Feelin’ Good, Stayin’ Safe
Weather: Andrew
Helper: Kaylie
Snacks: Isaiah

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“Feel Good” Song
Sung to “Skip To My Lou”
Offer musical instruments for the children to play.

(Rest) (Rest) My body
needs (rest).
(Rest) (Rest) My body
needs (rest).
(Rest) (Rest) My body
needs (rest).
My body needs (rest) to feel good.

Repeat with “good food,” “checkups,” and “exercise.”
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Kaylie
Daily Basics
Review A, B, 1, 2, 3, RED (Spanish & sign language)
Review sign for “safe”

9:20-9:25 Movers & Shakers
Hide & Listen
Bring out a maraca or a tambourine. Have the children leave the room and then choose one child to go back in and hide. While hiding, have them softly shake the maraca. When the children come back in the room, ask them to try to locate the hidden child by listening for the maraca.

9:25-9:35 Mini Lesson
Traffic Signs
The children were given a homework assignment to make traffic signs. Visit with the children about what each sign is called and what it means. Encourage them to weave their laces through the hole punches in each sign.

9:35-9:45 Language
Hooked on Phonics

9:45-9:55 Math
Counting & Measuring
Make a simple chart, listing each child’s name. Stretch jump rope out along the floor or an outdoor area. Show the children how to hop along one side of the jump rope, counting your hops as you go. When you reach the end, say the total number total number of hops a little louder. Allow each child to take a turn hopping along the rope. Record the number of hops next to her name on the chart.

Once everyone has had a chance to hop, discuss the results using the words “more,” “less,” and “equal” as appropriate.

9:55-10:10 Wash Hands/Cooking/Snack Time
Eat Well, Feel Well
Explain to the children that when we eat foods that are good for us, we feel well. Gather healthy, crunchy food to snack. Offer a variety of healthy and not-so-healthy foods such as carrots, pretzels, celery, popcorn, grapes, fruit snacks and jelly beans. Have them look through the foods and determine which things would be good for their health. Work with them to name the foods. Which things might make them not feel very well if they ate too much? Why?

Give each child a small amount of each item. Have them sort the items into groups, as in all carrots to gether, all fruit snacks together, etc. Next, have them sort the items into healthy vs. not-so-healthy sets. Allow them to enjoy some of the snacks once finished with the activity.

10:10-10:25 Play Time
Simple Ball Games
Reinforce the letter B by playing simple ball games. Have them count how many times they can bounce a basketball. Have them each kick a soccer ball in the goal, practice tossing and catching bouny balls, etc.

10:25-10:35 Story Time
Once Upon a Dragon by Jean E. Pendziwol & Martine Gourbault

10:35-10:45 Music
Tracks 29-32
Twinkle, Twinkle Traffic Light
Medley: Down By The Station (use scarves)
Goin’ on a Bear Hunt (action song)
Ten In A Bed (action song)

10:45-11:00 Science
About our Hearts
How big are our hearts? Explain that our hearts are about as large as our fists. Measure and cut a piece of yarn to go once around each child’s fist. Have them use the yarn to measure and find toys or other objects that are the same width around as their heart. Show the children a pear and explain that our hearts look like an upside down pear.

How Do Hearts Work?
Explain that our heart pumps blood through our whole body. Set up a “Pumping Station” where children can experiment with this concept on their own. Fill a tub or bucket with water and provide any type of pump you can find: turkey baster, eye dropper, or a pipette. Show the children how to fill and empty the pumps. Let them play and experiment on their own. Explain that our heart is a pump. When it squeezes, it pushes blood through our body. When it relaxes, it refills.

11:00-11:20 Art
A Picture of Myself
Give each child one white paper. Provide crayons or markers and ask the children to draw a picture of themselves. Visit with the children about the characteristics that make them special (eye color, hair color, etc.) Divide the pipe cleaners and glitter among the children. Invite them to use the supplies to further embellish their drawing.

Give each child one blue paper and invite them to glue their drawing onto the blue paper using it as a frame. After they dry, save the self portraits so that you can compare them with another self portrait at the end of the year. This will allow you to see the progress the children have made!

11:20-11:30 Closing
Review your discussion about healthy snack choices. Review “safe” and “not safe.” Talk about things we can do to stay safe and healthy. Encourage the children to look for safety devices on their way home and at home tonight. Talk about the new theme: “Apples Everywhere”

Make Apple Leather!
Ingredients: Applesauce

Preheat oven to 400*. Pour applesauce onto greased shallow pan. Spread to 1/8” thickness. Place pan in oven and lower temperature to 180*. Cook for approximately three hours until leather can be peeled from pan. Cut with scissors to serve.

Show & Tell: Isaiah

Friday 9/12/08

** We were supposed to meet Wednesday this week, but we still needed some time to recover from our trip! Isaiah & Andrew were given homework to complete: Letter B worksheet & Enrichment Activity #2. They were also give some "body parts" flash cards to color that will be used with today's lesson. Kaylie is out of town all this week.

Theme: Feelin’ Good, Stayin’ Safe
Weather: Isaiah
Helper: Andrew

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“Wake Up” Song
Sung to “Are You Sleeping?”
Repeat with feet, fingers, legs, etc.

Wake up toes! Wake up toes!
(wiggle and stretch toes)
Rise and shine! Rise and shine!
It’s time to say good morning,
Time to say good morning,
Wake up, toes! Wake up, toes!

Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Andrew
Daily Basics
Review A, 1, 2, RED
Introduce B (word cards, sign, sound) and the number 3 (Spanish)

9:20-9:25 Movers & Shakers
Sing Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes, sing fast, slow, etc.

9:25-9:30 Mini Lesson
Our Bodies
Ask the children to name some of their body parts. What does each body part do? How does it work? What does a nose do? Mouth? Fingers? How do these body parts help us? How do we care for these body parts? Why is it important to take care of them? What are some healthy habits that will help us keep our bodies strong? Encourage the children to enjoy physical activities, such as walking, running, skipping, riding trikes and bikes, and kicking, throwing, catching, and bouncing balls. Playing in playgrounds is a good way for children to develop strong hearts and bodies. Talk about the things we can do with our bodies.

9:30-9:40 Language
Body Parts in Spanish (Memory Game)
Andrew & Isaiah were given a homework assignment to color some body parts flash cards. They will play a memory game with them.

9:40-9:50 Math
Work on #2 Worksheet

9:50-10:10 Wash Hands/Cooking/Snack Time
Make Heart Healthy Smoothies
1 lb. frozen strawberries
4 c. pineapple juice
1 c. orange juice
1 ½ c. vanilla yogurt
Fresh strawberries

Make these heart-healthy drinks for a welcome break from sugary treats! Blend the frozen strawberries, pineapple juice, orange juice, and yogurt until smooth. Garnish with slices of strawberries and drinking straws accented with heart-shaped cutouts.

10:10-10:25 Play Time
Introduce the sign for “safe” What does “safe” mean? Name some things that are safe to do on the playground, in preschool, at home, in a car, etc. What things are not safe to do?

Have the children stand across from you in an open area that is free from obstacles. Call out a command and ask the children to follow the directions only if it is safe thing to do. If it is not safe, have the children stay where they are. Talk about why the command was not safe to do. Examples of commands:
Safe: hop on one foot
Touch your nose
Clap three times

Not Safe: climb on the table
Run into the street
Slam the door

10:25-10:35 Story Time
Watch Your Step, Mr. Rabbit! by Richard Scarry
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
Once Upon a Dragon by Jean E. Pendziwol & Martine Gourbault

10:35-10:45 Music
Tracks 25-28
Twinkle, Twinkle Traffic Light
Seven Days A Week (use instruments)
Hokey Pokey (action song)
Shake My Sillies Out (action song)

10:45-11:10 Science/Art
Science: Clean Hands
Explain to the children that doctors & dentists wear gloves when they are working. Ask the children to think about why they do this.

Place some paint in a shallow container. Give each child the materials for “comb painting” and provide them with disposable gloves. Invite them to finger paint with the gloves on. When the children are happy with their picture, have them take their gloves off. Did their hands stay clean under the gloves? What would their hands look like if they weren’t wearing gloves? Invite them to try painting with only one glove on. Ask the children again why they think health care professionals wear gloves when they work

Art: Comb Painting

11:10-11:30 Closing
Play “Slap Jack” and “Alphabet Go Fish”

Make Traffic Signs
Cut shapes out of cardstock or posterboard and use markers to make the shapes into traffic signs such as stop, yield, railroad crossing, and pedestrian crossing signs. Create sewing holes with a paper punch along the outside edge of the shapes for the children to lace through (I will provide the laces the next time we meet). Thanks!

Show & Tell: Kaylie

Thursday 9/4/08

Theme: Dinosaurs Go To School
Weather: Isaiah
Helper: Kaylie

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read
“Grandma’s Glasses” Fingerplay
Use a high pitched voice:
Here are Grandma’s glasses.
(circle fingers around eyes)
Here is Grandma’s hat.
(pat head)
This is the way she folds her hands,
(fold hands together)
And lays them in her lap!
(lay hands in lap)

Use a low, deep voice:
Here are Grandpa’s Glasses.
(circle fingers around eyes)
Here is Grandpa’s hat
(pat head)
This the way he folds his arms,
(fold arms across chest)
Just like that!
(nod head)
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Isaiah
Daily Basics
* Review A, 1, 2
* Introduce RED (Spanish) What are some things that are the color red?

9:20-9:25 Mini Lesson
Grandparent’s Day
Grandparent’s Day is on Sunday, September 7th. Introduce the Spanish words for Grandma & Grandpa, abuela and abuelo. Ask the children to share some information about their grandparents. How many do they have? Where do they live? Do they visit often? What kinds of things do they do together? What makes each grandparent special?

9:25-9:35 Movers & Shakers
Musical Dinosaurs
Gather a stuffed dinosaur for this activity. Have the children sit in a circle. While you play music, have the children gently toss or roll the dinosaur back and forth between each other. Then the music stops, ask the child holding the dinosaur to answer a few questions about herself. What is your name? What is your favorite food? What types of things do you like to do (read books, play dress up, play outside, etc?)

9:35-9:45 Language
Name Writing Practice
On handwriting paper, write the each child’s name. Have them practice writing their name within the lines.

9:45-10:00 Math
September Math Game
Give each child a game piece and have her place it in the “Start” area. Decide who rolls first. The child will roll the cube and move his dino to the next corresponding color. Continue these steps with the other children. Continue until each child reaches the mother dinosaur at the end of the game board.

10:00-10:15 Wash Hands/Snack
Granola bars & juice

10:15-10:30 Play Time
Preschool Hopscoth
Draw a simple hopscotch board with squares numbered 1-10 on a sidewalk using sidewalk chalk. Invite the children to hop from square to square while naming each number. Challenge them to try to hop on each square using one foot and then the other foot. Continue as long as interest lasts.

10:30-10:40 Story Time
How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? By Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
Rainbow Fish To The Rescue by Marcus Pfister
God Bless America by Lynn Munsinger (sing the words)

10:40-10:50 Science
How Big?
Children have a difficult time understanding how big dinosaurs really were. Use chalk on a sidewalk to mark off the lengths of some of the following dinosaurs. Have the children count footsteps along each length as you describe each animal or look at pictures.
Brontosaurus – 70 feet
Tyrannosaurus – 40 feet
Triceratops – 25 feet

10:50-11:00 Music

11:00-11:20 Art
Texture Collage
Give each child a Styrofoam tray. Cut the cello sheets in half. Provide glue and divide the materials from the kit among the children. Invite them to glue each material to their tray, as desired. Talk about the different textures. Encourage the children to feel each item individually. Which item is rough? Is there anything that’s soft on the paper? What other words describe the textures? Which of our five senses do we use to describe the textures?

11:20-11:30 Closing
Talk about next Wednesday’s new theme: Feeling Good, Staying Safe. Recite the “Grandma’s Glasses” Fingerplay again. Play puzzles or a game. Blow bubbles outside.

Grandparent’s Day Art Project
Give each child one ivory door hanger pattern. Explain that they are going to make one door hanger for each set of grandparents or other special people in their lives. Provide markers, crayons, and scissors. Invite the children to color the door hanger patterns as they wish. Have the children cut out the door hangers. Trim to fit in legal envelope if mailing is necessary.

Divide the flower cutouts among the children and provide glue. Invite the children to use the flowers to decorate the door hangers. Offer other collage materials such as glitter or stickers to add more detail, if desired.
Show & Tell: Kaylie (take on her trip)

Tuesday 9/2/08

Theme: Dinosaurs Go To School
Weather: Kaylie
Helper: Isaiah

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Read quietly, check homework
“T Rex Stomp”

Sung to “This Old Man”
This T-rex, this T-rex, he goes tromping all around,
With a stomp and a tromp and a (clap, clap, clap)
This T-rex is tromping on!

This T-rex, this T-rex, he goes yelling all around,
With a grump and growl and a great big (Rroarr!)
This T-rex is yelling now!
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Kaylie
Calendar – Introduce the new month. Practice saying September in Spanish, septiembre. What is pictured on the calendar heading this month? Place the calendar piece on the grid and say the date together. Before putting on today's date, ask the children which picture is next? This calendar is a great way to teach patterning!
Daily Basics
* Review Letter A (sign)
* Review #1 (Spanish)
* Introduce #2 (Spanish), reinforce the numbers one and two by asking the children to practice moving forward and backward. For example, have them hop forward with one hop and backward with two hops. Try other movements such as tiptoeing, leaping, skipping, etc.

9:20-9:25 Movers & Shakers
Dinosaur Says
Play a version of “Simon Says” to reinforce number concepts and listening skills. Choose one child to be the leader. The leader stands in front of the group and asks the other children to do one or more dinosaur actions. For example, when the leader requests, “Dinosaur says roar!,” the children should roar. If the leader DOES NOT say “Dinosaur says…” before the request, children DO NOT follow the request! Allow all children to continue playing even if they make a mistake. Actions can include hips, stretches, spins, giant steps, baby steps, claps, etc.

9:25-9:30 Mini Lesson
Five Senses
Ask the children to sit in a circle. Bring out the Five Senses Topic Card. Name the five senses: sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell. Point to the body parts related to each sense. As the children sit quietly, what senses are they using? Can they hear a car outside or see the color of someone’s shirt? Can they smell lunch or a snack cooking or feel the texture of the floor? Be creative with your surroundings!

9:30-9:45 Language
Hooked on Phonics
Use “Helper” cards – go through a few of them until you lose their attention then move onto the “Play on Words” cards and ask them to spell some words they know. Some possible words: the names of each child, car, toy, stop, no, go, etc.

9:45-10:00 Cooking/Wash Hands
Dinosaur Feet
Refrigerated biscuits
Butter, melted
Cinnamon sugar mixture
Slivered almonds
Bake biscuits according to directions. Brush each biscuit with melted butter and sprinkle cinnamon sugar. While the biscuits are still warm, insert five slivered almonds around the edge of each biscuit to resemble dinosaur claws. Serve the “Dinosaur Feet” with a glass of milk.

10:00-10:10 Math
Bone Match
Bring out the “Dinosaur Bone Match”
Review last week’s discussion about dinosaur bones and how they turn into fossils. Talk about how we have bones, too. Show the children each dinosaur piece. Look carefully at the dinosaur skeleton pictures. Work together to match each dinosaur to its bones.

10:10-10:25 Snack
Finish making the dinosaur feet, then eat!

10:25-10:40 Play Time
Prehistoric Building
Bring out small plastic dinosaurs and building blocks/large legos. Invite the children to build homes for their tiny friends.

10:40-10:50 Reading Time
If the Dinosaurs Came Back by Bernard Most
Don’t Need Friends by Carol Crimi
David Goes to School by David Shannon

10:50-11:00 Music Time

11:00-11:20 Art
Prehistoric Puppet
Cut the dinosaur patterns apart and give each child one pattern and one paper plate. Provide crayons and markers and invite them to color the pattern. Provide scissors and glue. Invite the children to cut out the pattern. Glue the dinosaur to the front of the paper plate.

Divide the wikki stix and craft sticks among the children. The wikki stix may be cut into smaller pieces, formed into shapes, and then pressed onto the dinosaur pattern for different features. Wikki stix may not stick to areas with heavy crayon marks. Use glue as necessary. Tape the craft stick to the back of the plate.

Keep the Prehistoric Puppets at your setting throughout the theme. They may be used to sing songs and in dramatic play.

11:20-11:30 Closing
Play with puzzles or a game

Go to www.pbskids.org: http://pbskids.org/caillou/immersivegames/. Click on the arrows to go to the kitchen then to outside. Click on the dinosaur in the sandbox. This is a great game on matching bones.
Show & Tell: Isaiah

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Fave Play Dough Recipe

I made this recipe months and months ago - we keep it stored in the fridge - and it is still as soft and as pliable as it was the first day I made it. It also smells yummy!

2 c. flour
1/2 c. salt
2 packets unsweetened Kool-Aid (the dough will be the color of the mix you choose)
2 Tbs. cream of tartar
2 Tbs. vegetable oil
2 c. water

In a large pot, combine all dry ingredients, mix well and add the oil, water, and food coloring. Stir over medium heat until the mixture is almost too hard to stir. Allow to cool for a few minutes and then knead until smooth and pliable. Refrigerate in an airtight container between uses. This recipe can be doubled or halved.

I'm A Little Apple Song

Sung to “I’m a Little Teapot”

I’m a little apple, red and round.
(hold hand out in front as if holding large ball)
I grew on a tree and fell to the ground.
(stretch arms up and out)
If you take a bite you’ll see I’m sweet.
(Pretend to bite into apple)
I’m a juicy, crunchy, tasty treat!
(rub tummy)

Apples Falling Song

Sung to “Mary Had A Little Lamb”

Apples falling from the tree, from the tree, from the tree
Apples falling from the tree, to the ground below
(flutter hand downward)
On the apple sits a worm, sits a worm, sits a worm,
Falling from the apple tree, to the ground below!
(wiggle fingers downward)

Apple Cinnamon Dough

1 c. apple cider or juice
1 c. salt
2 c. flour
1 T. ground cinnamon
Food coloring

Add food coloring as desired to the apple juice. Combine salt, flour, and cinnamon. Mix the apple juice into the dry ingredients until well combined.

Apple Tree Treats

Cream cheese or frosting
Green food coloring
Graham crackers
Ritz or other round crackers
Red, yellow, and green mini M&M’s

Add green food coloring to the cream cheese or frosting. Break the graham crackers into quarter pieces. Offer the graham crackers, Ritz crackers, frosting & M&M’s along with plastic knives. Give each child a plate. Invite the children to spread frosting on the Ritz cracker. Place the Ritz cracker on top of a graham cracker, attaching with a bit of frosting. Place M&M’s on the Ritz cracker to resemble apples. Enjoy the treats with a glass of milk or apple juice.

Raking Leaves Rhyme

I rake and rake the leaves into a great big heap.
(pretend to rake)
Then into the leaves, I take a giant leap!
(jump and squat)
I cover myself with leaves to hide from you.
(pretend to fluff leaves around body)
Then I jump out and say, “Peek-a-boo!”
(jump and say, “Peek-a-boo!”

Mini Apple Pies

Refrigerated crescent dough
Apple pie filling
Cinnamon sugar

Provide an opportunity for the children to make their very own apples pies. Give each child a section of refrigerated crescent dough. Place a spoonful of apple pie filling in the center of each crescent. Have the children fold the dough over and press along the edges to seal the filling inside. Sprinkle the mini pie with cinnamon sugar and bake according to the crescent package. Let cool and enjoy with a glass of milk.

Sugar Water for Brighter Chalk Drawings

Mix ½ cup water and 2 Tbs sugar. Stir until dissolved. Dip chalk into sugar water and color. It makes bright pictures and is less smudgy than using just dry chalk.

Mini Apple Pies

Refrigerated crescent dough
Apple pie filling
Cinnamon sugar

Provide an opportunity for the children to make their very own apples pies. Give each child a section of refrigerated crescent dough. Place a spoonful of apple pie filling in the center of each crescent. Have the children fold the dough over and press along the edges to seal the filling inside. Sprinkle the mini pie with cinnamon sugar and bake according to the crescent package. Let cool and enjoy with a glass of milk.

Ten Little Apples Song

Sung to “Ten Little Indians”

Bring out the Apple Tree LCM. Sing the song slowly and post each apple on the tree mat as you sing. You may choose to give an apple to each child and have her hold up her apple as the song dictates.

1 litte, 2 little, 3 little apples
4 little, 5 little, 6 little apples
7 little, 8 little, 9 little apples
10 little apples (dancing, spinning, jumping, etc.)