Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday 9/23/08

Theme: Apples Everywhere
Weather: Kaylie
Helper: Isaiah
Snacks: Andrew

9:00-9:20 Circle Time
Quietly Read/Check homework
“Ten Little Apples” Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Andrew
Daily Basics
Review A, Bc, 1, 2, 3, RED (Spanish & sign language)
Review sign for “safe” & “apple”

9:20-9:30 Movers & Shakers
Ten Apples Up On Top
If possible, read the Dr. Seuss book called “Ten Apples Up on Top” to the children. Then, invite them to try balancing a beanbag (apple) on the top of their heads. Ask the children to try walking with the beanbags on their heads. Ask the children if balancing the beanbag is more difficult while standing still or while walking? Challenge them to try balancing beanbags on their elbows, shoulders, and backs!

9:30-9:35 Mini Lesson
First Day of Fall
Yesterday was the first day of Fall! Introduce the words “fall” and “autumn.” Ask the children, “What sorts of things happen in the fall?” Talk about how nature prepares for winter. Leaves change colors and fall from trees. Animals prepare winter nests and stash away food. Some birds fly to warmer areas. Plants shed seeds for next spring or sleep through the winter. Introduce the Spanish word for autumn, ontono.

Display four pictures, three that relate to fall and one that relates to another season of the year. Ask the children which ones belong together and why. Ask which season each one portrays.

9:35-9:45 Language
Play a memory game with the ABC pictures the children colored and cut out for homework. Challenge the children to name each of the pictures. Sort them according to beginning sounds. Extend the activity by having the children sort the pictures according to type (food, animal, other). What other ways can the children sort the pictures (eyes/no eyes, edible/not edible, etc.)?

9:45-9:55 Math
Number 3 worksheet

9:55-10:05 Wash Hands/Cooking
Mini Apple Pies

10:05-10:15 Story Time

10:15-10:30 Snack Time
Eat mini apple pies

10:30-10:45 Play Time
Fall Nature Walk
Remind the children that exercise is one way to help our bodies stay healthy and strong. Take the children on a fall nature walk to look for things that can be added to their “apple art.” Suggestions include crunchy leaves, prickly pinecones, or pieces of tree bark. As you explore your neighborhood, ask the children to try walking at different paces – fast/slow, very fast/very slow. Try skipping, hopping, tiptoeing, etc. Ask the children to think of more movement ideas. How do the leaves sound? How do shoes sound on the sidewalk with each different walking style?

10:45-10:55 Music
Tracks 11-16
Choose An Apple (use instruments)
Hinges (action song)
Farm (use scarves)
Smiles (finger play)
Two Little Blackbirds (finger play)
It’s Autumntime

10:55-11:15 Art
Apple Art

The night before, cut several apples in half either lengthwise or crosswise, depending on the design you want. Let the apples dry overnight.

Give each child a sheet of construction paper. Provide several different colors of paint in shallow containers. Show the children how to dip the cut side of the apple in paint and make a print on the paper. Allow the children to make as many prints as they like. If colors happen to blend or bleed together, visit with them about the new colors created. You can also use the items collected on your nature walk.

11:15-11:30 Closing

Enrichment Activity #3

Show & Tell: Kaylie

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