Friday, October 31, 2008

Monday: November 3rd

Theme: Sleep Tight!
Weather: Kaylie
Helper: Isaiah
Snacks: Andrew
Show & Tell: Fiel

Circle Time (9:00 - 9:15)
“Welcome” Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Daily Basics (Letter G , Buenos Dias & Buenos Noches)

Lesson (9:15 - 9:25)
Talk about Daytime and Nighttime. Talk about the Moon and the night sky

Movers & Shakers (9:25 - 9:30)
Follow that Moon (Skills: Rolling and bouncing balls)

Creative Arts (9:30 - 9:45)
Day/Night Mobile

Language (9:45 - 10:00)
Name in the Stars

Math (10:00 - 10:10)
November Math Game: making and recreating patterns
Stick with the stars game if time permits

Snack & Story Time (10:10 - 10:30)

Science (10:30 - 10:40)
Starlight/ Sunlight
Learning how the stars sun and moon are always there. Using flashlights/globes

Sensory (10:40 - 11:00)
Moon Rock treasure hunt

Fine Motor (11:00 - 11:20)
Sparkling playdough. Talk to the children about the phases of the moon. Mold different phases of the moon.

Closing (11:20 - 11:30)
Show & Tell: Fiel
Review what we talked about.
Invite them to wear their pajamas and bring their nighttime “buddy” 
(bear, blanket, other item).
Homework - Letter G WS

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday 10/28/08

Lesson Plan

Daily basics--Hello song, calendar, weather, pledge. I have been working with them during the calendar time to make sure that they know the numbers 11-30. We count together while I point and then I point to random numbers to have them tell me what the number is.

Math--Chutes and Ladders focusing on number recognition. When they land on a square they need to be able to say the number. If they can they get to go on more box forward.

Art--they finished their seasons. This was great for Andrew for fine motor. They had to take pieces of tissue paper and turn it into little balls for the blossoms on the spring tree.
Our second art project was coloring the 5 pumpkins on the gate and then they cut them out.

Story and Writing: I told them the rhyme and then I had them tell me a story about the pumpkins. I wrote down their stories that they dictated to me. I was really suprised how well they did.

Story time: We read a Little House on the Prarie book about winter

Phonics Football: We did the sight helper words from HOP and the person that was able to read the word had the ball thrown to them. They had to throw the ball to each other and then to me. Don't ask why, but it was a major hit.

Snack: cheese sticks and applesause cups that we made look like jack-o-latern faces.

It was a great day

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday 10/21/08

Daily: Hola Song
Pledge of Allegiance
Calendar- review counting to 10 in Spanish. Practice numbers 11-20
Spanish review of colors. For every thing that they remember I give them money. They will use this money to buy their snacks. This way we can review their money and they are highly motivated to remember the numbers and spanish.

Topic of Day is Seasons- dress up box with clothes for different seasons. Act out what we do in the seasons. Sing seasons songs

cooking: make treats for firemen. Focus on math and measuring

phonics: make at words with cards. Review at story in phonics book. Make funny sentences with sight word cards. "Andrew sat on the cat."

Stories and Snacks

Creative Arts- paint and cut out scarecrows

Free play

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday 10/16/08

Welcome song: Hola_____, Como estas?
Weather Song
Count to 10 in Spanish
Spanish colors

Math and creative play: Make a store with a cardboard box. Have a store keeper. Collect items from around the house to sell. Give them a price. Teach about coins. Make a snack to buy at the store.

Stories and Snacks: 3 fire stories. Snack is pop corn, oranges, and fruit leather

Fine Motor: Make pop corn necklaces with lacing

Writing and Phonics: Make fire words and write them on a picture of a fire hydrant

Craft: crawl under the smoke and dalmation.

Tuesday 10/14/08

Start Day
Sing Welcome Song in Spanish (I'll teach it to you sometime)
Pledge of Allegiance
Weather Song (I'll teach it to you sometime)
Calendar- practice counting to 10 in Spanish
Spanish Review- colors of their markers in Spanish

Motor Skills
Gross Motor and Phonics- guess the sight word and I will throw you the ball to catch
And I will give a letter and child has to give sound and a word that it starts with

Fine motor-at the table with rice and spoons, tweezers

Snack and Stories- 3 Columbus Day stories

Craft- Columbus Day Craft

Play- play Columbus with ships and castle

Math- Chutes and Ladders and the Pet Game

Value- I will be emphasizing the courage of Columbus to do what he did when many thought he was crazy. I will remind them of the courage that we have talked about of the firefighters.

More stories- if time permits I will read them the books from the library about how they can have courage.
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Friday 10/10/08

Daily Stuff-weather, pledge, calendar, count to 10 in Spanish, Spanish colors
Phonics- practice sight words from September-names, stop, go, and add hot and fire
Craft- cut out and color fire station figures to play with
Play/Spanish- We will take our fire people and play with them in the fire station, but mine is Maria and she only speaks spanish. I will be trying to reinforce and help the kids to learn the colors of the rainbow in Spanish.
Math- sequence fire hose that will be attatched to truck
Creative play-finish big fire truck and play with it. Practice using words stop and go with signs while they are in truck. Kind of like Simon Says.
Music--sing fire songs that go with truck from book
Fire Safety Rules- teach the rules of fire safety
stop, drop, roll
crawl low in smoke
feel for hot door
don't play with fire
get out, stay out
Movement- obstacle course inside to go under the smoke and practice feeling a hot door and practice other rules
Snack and Stories- Curious George goes to the fire station. We are emphasizing the healthy foods a fire fighter must eat in order to be strong
Values: Bravery and team work and obedience to rules

Wednesday 10/8/08

Daily Stuff-weather, pledge, calendar, count to 10 in Spanish
Introduce theme- they had to put together a firefighter puzzle to see what we were going to talk about
Craft- make fire badges and fire hats
Freeplay- put together a fire station
Phonics-used word play from hooked on Phonics to put together fire words-pot, hot, etc
Movement-We imagined that we were fire fighters and I hid 5 stuffed animals on the play ground. They had to run to get them "out of the burning building" and bring them back. We timed them to see how fast we could do it, so we were practicing on counting to 30. Then we did some fire fighter exercises--sprint to get the animal, a relay to save an animal, and hanging for arm strength.
Snack and stories- I tell or read stories during snack. We did a story of my brother almost catching our home on fire and a story of the bravery of the fire fighters during 9/11.
Values emphasized- bravery and team work