Friday, August 22, 2008

Monday 8/25/08

Theme: Dinosaurs Go to School

9:00-9:25 Circle Time
Help each child find their cubby holes. Explain this is where they will keep their jackets, art projects, etc.
“Welcome” Song
Oh, it’s time to say “Hello” to all our friends!
Oh, it’s time to say
“Hello” go all our friends!
I’m so glad you’re here today,
We’ll work
and learn and play,
Oh, it’s time to say “Hello” to all our friends!
(Sung to “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain”)

Pledge of Allegiance
Introduce “Pockets the Bear” assign Isaiah to bring back next time
Calendar – sing “Days of the Week” song
Daily Basics
· Letter A – (sign language, sounds, word cards)
Rules – Take time to explain each picture and have the children repeat back to you.

9:25-9:30 Movers & Shakers
Trace each child’s hand onto construction paper and have them write their name on it. Explain that these hands will be used for the “Helping Hands” chart next time we meet.

9:30-9:35 Mini Lesson
Talk about Friends
What is a friend? Amigo means friend in Spanish. Ask the children to name their friends. What do they like to do with their friends? Do their parents have friends? What sorts of things do friends do for each other?

9:35-9:45 Language
Letter A Worksheet

9:45-10:00 Wash Hands/Cooking
Have the children help make a pizza for snack time.

10:00-10:15 Math
Graphing Eye Colors
Make a special graph featuring the children. Have the children name all the different colors eyes can be. Draw pairs of eyes over each column and color them various colors named. Write each child’s name in the correct column.

10:15-10:30 Snack
Eat the Friendship Pizza

10:30-10:45 Play Time
Chalk Letters
Write large letters on the pavement using sidewalk chalk. Challenge the children to walk or hop on the lines of the letter shapes.

10:45-10:55 Story Time
Share a Story
Visit about sharing today. What things do the children share here in preschool? What kinds of things do they share at home? Out on the playground? Is sharing hard to do? How do you feel when someone shares with you? How do you feel when someone doesn’t share? Why is it so important to share?

Read “The Rainbow Fish” by Marcus Pfister

10:55-11:05 Music Time
**Still working on this, will post next week....

11:05-11:25 Art
Intro to Art
Provide basic art materials such as paint, scissors, and glue. Divide each of the art materials equally among the children. Place damp paper towels in shallow containers and pour paint onto the paper towels. Show the children how to dip the dinosaurs into the paint and then press them onto the artboard. Press the magic nuudles onto a damp sponge and then arrange them on the artboard. Do not adhere them with glue! Invite the children to cut the festoon into smaller pieces and adhere them to their artwork as desired. Attach the hanger to the back of each artboard to display the completed artwork where the children can view them.

11:25-11:30 Closing
Explain Homework Assignment.

Homework Assignment
Number 1 Worksheet
Show & Tell – Isaiah

Wednesday 8/27/08

Theme: Dinosaurs Go To School
Weather: Andrew
Helper: Kaylie
Snacks: Isaiah

9:00-9:25 Circle Time
Read books quietly, check homework
“Wheels On The Bus”
Pledge of Allegiance
Show & Tell: Isaiah
Daily Basics
* Review letter A
* Introduce #1 (Spanish)

9:25-9:30 Movers & Shakers
Person to Person
Divide the children into pairs. Have the children face each other. Name body parts for the children to bring together. For example, call out “elbow to elbow,” “back to back,” toes to toes,” etc.

9:30-9:35 Mini Lesson
Talk about dinosaurs
How do we know that dinosaurs existed? Because we can find their bones buried in the ground! What is a fossil? Explain that when a plant or animal dies and is buried in the dirt, sometimes the bones turn into rock. These rocks are called fossils. Fossils can tell us all about the creature – how big it was, what it looked like, and sometimes what it ate! Helpful websites: and www.

9:35-9:45 Language
Hooked on Phonics
Yellow Workbook pp. 1-3

9:45-10:00 Math
Filling Dinosaur Feet
Explain to the children that some of the largest dinosaurs had enormous feet. Cut a large dinosaur foot shape out of a bulletin board paper or old newspapers. Invite the children to take their shoes off and place them on the cutout. How many shoes fit on a dinosaur foot? Is the cutout full of shoes or could more shoes fit on it? Was a dinosaur’s foot larger or smaller than a person’s foot?

10:00-10:10 Wash Hands/Cook
Dino Lunch
Many dinosaurs were plant eaters who loved leafy green foods. Make a dinosaur salad using some of the following ingredients. Choose from green or red leaf lettuce, fresh spinach, snap peas, green peppers, green grapes, celery. Have the children help you wash and prepare the vegetables. Provide dip.

10:10-10:25 Snack

10:25-10:40 Play Time
Reading Nest
Make a dinosaur nest with soft pillows and blankets. Allow the children to quietly read along to a book on tape.

10:40-10:50 Story Time
D.W.’s Guide to Preschool by Marc Brown
How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? By Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Joffe Numeroff

10:50-11:05 Science
Playdough Fossils
Bring out the playdough and place rolling pins and an assortment of small plastic dinosaurs. Encourage the children to roll out playdough patties. Then, have them press the dinosaurs into the dough. Lift to reveal the imprints. After making several, mix up the dinos and have the children match each one to its imprint.

11:05-11:15 Music

11:15-11:30 Art
Dino Necklace p. 15

Enrichment Worksheet #1
Show & Tell: Andrew (going on a trip) & Kaylie